Source code for desitarget.secondary


Modules dealing with target selection for secondary targets.

Note that the environment variable SCND_DIR should be set, and that
directory should contain files of two flavors:

(1) In $SCND_DIR/indata: .fits or .txt files defining the secondary
    targets with columns corresponding to secondary.indatamodel.

    For .txt files the first N columns must correspond to the N columns
    in secondary.indatamodel, and other columns can be anything. The #
    may be used as a comment card.

    For .fits files, a subset of the columns must correspond to the
    columns in secondary.indatamodel, other columns can be anything.

(2) In $SCND_DIR/docs: .ipynb (notebook) or .txt files containing
    a description of how each input data file was constructed.

Only one secondary target file of each type should be in the indata and
docs directories. So, if, e.g. $SCND_DIR/indata/blat.fits exists
then $SCND_DIR/indata/blat.txt should not.

Example files can be found in the NERSC directory:


Note that the OVERRIDE column in the data model means "do not just
accept an existing target, override it and make a new TARGETID." It
should be True (override) or False (do not override) for each target.
In .txt files it should be 1 or 0 instead of True/False, and will be
loaded from the text file as the corresponding Boolean.
import os
import re
import fitsio
import itertools
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp

import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn

from astropy.table import Table, Row

from time import time
from glob import glob
from importlib import import_module

from collections import defaultdict

from desitarget.internal import sharedmem
from import find_target_files
from desitarget.geomask import radec_match_to, add_hp_neighbors, is_in_hp
from desitarget.gaiamatch import gaiadatamodel
from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid, main_cmx_or_sv, resolve
from desitarget.targets import set_obsconditions, initial_priority_numobs
from desitarget.targetmask import obsconditions
from desitarget import __version__ as dt_version

from desiutil import brick
from desiutil.log import get_logger

# ADM set up the Legacy Surveys bricks object.
bricks = brick.Bricks(bricksize=0.25)
# ADM set up the default DESI logger.
log = get_logger()
start = time()

indatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMDEC', '>f4'),
    ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('OVERRIDE', '?')

# ADM the columns not in the primary target files are:
#  OVERRIDE - If True/1 force as a target even if there is a primary.
#           - If False/0 allow this to be replaced by a primary target.
#  SCND_TARGET - Corresponds to the bit mask from data/targetmask.yaml
#                or svX/data/svX_targetmask.yaml (scnd_mask).
# ADM Note that TARGETID for secondary-only targets is unique because
# ADM RELEASE is < 1000 (before DR1) for secondary-only targets.
# ADM also add needed columns for fiberassign from the Gaia data model.
gaiadt = [(gaiadatamodel[_gaiacols].dtype.names[i],
           gaiadatamodel[_gaiacols].dtype[i].str) for i in range(len(_gaiacols))]

outdatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMDEC', '>f4'),
    ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('OVERRIDE', '?'), ('FLUX_G', '>f4'),
    ('FLUX_R', '>f4'), ('FLUX_Z', '>f4')] + gaiadt + [
    ('TARGETID', '>i8'), ('DESI_TARGET', '>i8'), ('SCND_TARGET', '>i8'),
    ('SCND_ORDER', '>i4'), ('PRIORITY_INIT', '>i8'), ('SUBPRIORITY', '>f8'),
    ('NUMOBS_INIT', '>i8'), ('OBSCONDITIONS', '>i8')])

# ADM extra columns that are used during processing but are
# ADM not an official part of the input or output data model.
# ADM PRIM_MATCH records whether a secondary matches a primary TARGET.
suppdatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('SCND_TARGET_INIT', '>i8'), ('PRIM_MATCH', '?')

[docs]def match_to_main_survey(ras, decs, sep=1.): """Standalone code to match RA/Dec positions to Main Survey targets. Parameters ---------- ras : :class:`~numpy.array` or `list` Right Ascensions of interest (degrees). decs : :class:`~numpy.array` or `list` Declinations of interest (degrees). sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond Separation (arcsec) to match `ras`/`decs` to Main Survey targets. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` An array that includes 6 columns: RA: The input `ras` DEC: The input `decs` BRIGHT: ``True`` for locations matching a bright-time target. DARK: ``True`` for locations matching a dark-time target. BRIGHTSEC: ``True`` for matching a bright-time secondary. DARKSEC: ``True`` for matching a dark-time secondary. Notes ----- - Must have set up the correct environment by running, e.g., source /global/common/software/desi/ - Prints summary statistics of the number of matches to screen. """ t0 = time() # ADM set up the output array. nlocs = len(ras) done = np.zeros(nlocs, dtype=[ ('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('BRIGHT', '?'), ('DARK', '?'), ('BRIGHTSEC', '?'), ('DARKSEC', '?'), ('TARGETID_BRIGHT', '>i8'), ('TARGETID_DARK', '>i8'), ('TARGETID_BRIGHTSEC', '>i8'), ('TARGETID_DARKSEC', '>i8') ]) done["RA"] = ras done["DEC"] = decs # ADM determine the HEALPixels corresponding to the passed locations. nside = 8 # ADM the nside at which Main Survey targets are stored. theta, phi = np.radians(90-done["DEC"]), np.radians(done["RA"]) pixnums = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM have to add the neighboring HEALPixels to ensure matches are # ADM found beyond pixel boundaries. pixnums = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pixnums) npix = len(pixnums) # ADM root directory of the relevant files for Main Survey targets. targdir = os.getenv("TARG_DIR") # ADM loop through the observing conditions. for oc in "DARK", "BRIGHT":"Running on primary {oc} targets...t={time()-t0:.1f}s") # ADM loop through pixels and perform the match. for i, pixnum in enumerate(pixnums): if i % 20 == 19:"Done {i+1}/{npix} pixels...t={time()-t0:.1f}s") # ADM get the filename for the target file in each pixel. fn = find_target_files(targdir, dr=9, flavor="targets", obscon=oc, hp=pixnum, nside=nside) # ADM have to replace current version of desitarget with version # ADM 1.1.1 (the version used for Main Survey targets). fn = fn.replace(dt_version, "1.1.1") # ADM read in the targets. Skip if the file doesn't exist. if os.path.isfile(fn): targs =, "TARGETS") # ADM match the targets to the locations... iitargs, iidone = radec_match_to(targs, done, sep=sep) # ADM ...and set the matching targets to True done[oc][iidone] = True done[f"TARGETID_{oc}"][iidone] = targs["TARGETID"][iitargs] # ADM we're done with primary targets, perform a similar match # ADM for secondaries, which are in single monolithic files. # ADM secondaries have a series of possible "main" directories. rootdir, _ = fn.split("main") survs = [os.path.basename(d) for d in sorted(glob(os.path.join(rootdir, "main*")))] for surv in survs: f"Running on secondary {surv} {oc} targets...t={time()-t0:.1f}s") fn = find_target_files( targdir, dr=9, flavor="targets", resolve=None, obscon=oc, nside=nside, survey=surv, nohp=True) fn = fn.replace(dt_version, "1.1.1") if os.path.isfile(fn): targs =, "SCND_TARGETS") # ADM match the targets to the locations... iitargs, iidone = radec_match_to(targs, done, sep=sep) # ADM ...and set the matching targets to True. colname = f"{oc}SEC" done[colname][iidone] = True done[f"TARGETID_{colname}"][iidone] = targs["TARGETID"][iitargs]"Summary of matches:") for ps, coladd in zip(["primary", "secondary"], ["", "SEC"]): for oc in ["DARK", "BRIGHT"]: cnt = np.sum(done[f"{oc+coladd}"])"{cnt}/{nlocs} locations match {ps}, {oc.lower()} targets") return done
[docs]def duplicates(seq): """Locations of duplicates in an array or list. Parameters ---------- seq : :class:`list` or `~numpy.ndarray` or `str` A sequence, e.g., [1, 2, 3, 2] or "adfgtarga" Returns ------- :class:`generator` A generator of the duplicated values in the sequence and an array of the indexes for each duplicate, see Examples. Notes ----- - h/t Examples -------- >>> for i in duplicates("adfgtarga"): ... print(i) ('a', array([0, 5, 8])) ('g', array([3, 7])) """ tally = defaultdict(list) for i, item in enumerate(seq): tally[item].append(i) return ((key, np.array(locs)) for key, locs in tally.items() if len(locs) > 1)
[docs]def _get_scxdir(scxdir=None, survey=""): """Retrieve the base secondary directory with error checking. Parameters ---------- scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to :envvar:`SCND_DIR` Directory containing secondary target files to which to match. If not specified, the directory is taken to be the value of the :envvar:`SCND_DIR` environment variable. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "" for the Main Survey. Flavor of survey that we're processing, e.g., "sv1". Don't pass anything for "main" (the Main Survey). Returns ------- :class:`str` The base secondary directory, after checking it's format. """ # ADM if scxdir was not passed, default to environment variable. if scxdir is None: scxdir = os.environ.get('SCND_DIR') # ADM fail if the scx directory is not set or passed. if scxdir is None or not os.path.exists(scxdir):'pass scxdir (or --scnddir or --nosecondary) or set $SCND_DIR') msg = 'Secondary target files not found in {}'.format(scxdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM also fail if the indata, outdata and docs directories don't # ADM exist in the secondary directory. checkdir = [os.path.join(survey, d) for d in ["docs", "indata", "outdata"]] for subdir in checkdir: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(scxdir, subdir)): msg = '{} directory not found in {}'.format(subdir, scxdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return scxdir
[docs]def _check_files(scxdir, scnd_mask, bits2files=True): """Retrieve input files from the scx directory with error checking. Parameters ---------- scxdir : :class:`str` Directory produced by :func:`~secondary._check_files()`. scnd_mask : :class:`desiutil.bitmask.BitMask` A mask corresponding to a set of secondary targets, e.g, could be ``from desitarget.targetmask import scnd_mask`` for the main survey mask. bits2files : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` check that all of the files in `scxdir` have a corresponding bit `scnd_mask` AND all of the bits need to have a corresponding file. If ``False``, only check that all of the files have a corresponding bit. Returns ------- None Notes ----- - Checks that each file name has one corresponding bit in the secondary_mask. - Checks for only valid file extensions in the input directories. - Checks that there are no duplicate files in the `scxdir`/indata or in the `scxdir`/docs directory. - Checks that every file in the `scxdir`/indata directory has a corresponding informational file in `scxdir`/docs. """ # ADM the allowed extensions in each directory. extdic = {'indata': {'.txt', '.fits'}, 'docs': {'.txt', '.ipynb'}} # ADM the full paths to the indata/docs directories. dirdic = {'indata': os.path.join(scxdir, 'indata'), 'docs': os.path.join(scxdir, 'docs')} # ADM setdic will contain the set of file names, without # ADM extensions in each of the indata and docs directories. setdic = {} for subdir in 'indata', 'docs': # ADM retrieve the full file names. Ignore directories. fnswext = [fn for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join(scxdir, subdir)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(scxdir, subdir, fn))] # ADM split off the extensions. exts = [os.path.splitext(fn)[1] for fn in fnswext] # ADM check they're all allowed extensions. if len(set(exts) - extdic[subdir]) > 0: msg = 'bad extension(s) {} in {}; must be one of {}'.format( set(exts) - extdic[subdir], dirdic[subdir], extdic[subdir] ) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM retrieve the filenames without the extensions. fns = [os.path.splitext(fn)[0] for fn in fnswext] # ADM check for any duplicate files in either directory. if len(fns) > len(set(fns)): uniq, cnt = np.unique(fns, return_counts=True) dups = uniq[cnt > 1] msg = 'duplicate file(s) like {} in {}'.format( dups, dirdic[subdir]) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) setdic[subdir] = set(fns) # ADM check for bit correspondence. setbitfns = set([scnd_mask[name].filename for name in scnd_mask.names() if scnd_mask[name].flavor != "TOO"]) correspondence = setdic["indata"].issubset(setbitfns) if bits2files: correspondence = setbitfns == setdic['indata'] if not correspondence: msg = "files in yaml file don't match files in {}\n".format( dirdic['indata']) msg += "files with bits in yaml file: {}\nfiles in {}: {}".format( list(setbitfns), dirdic[subdir], list(setdic['indata'])) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM now check that files correspond between the directories. # ADM this ^ returns all elements not in both sets. missing = setdic['indata'] ^ setdic['docs'] if len(missing) > 0: msg = "" for subdir in 'indata', 'docs': # ADM grab the docs dir when working with the indata dir # ADM and vice versa. otherdir = list(setdic.keys()) otherdir.remove(subdir) # ADM print which files were missed in this specific dir. missed = list(missing.intersection(setdic[subdir])) msg += '{} file(s) not in {}: {}\n'.format( dirdic[subdir], dirdic[otherdir[0]], missed) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return
[docs]def read_files(scxdir, scnd_mask, subset=False): """Read in all secondary files and concatenate them into one array. Parameters ---------- scxdir : :class:`str` Directory produced by :func:`~secondary._check_files()`. scnd_mask : :class:`desiutil.bitmask.BitMask`, optional A mask corresponding to a set of secondary targets, e.g, could be ``from desitarget.targetmask import scnd_mask`` for the main survey mask. subset : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then `scxdir` only contains a subset of the bits in `scnd_mask`, and that's OK. Otherwise, strictly expect `scxdir` to contain one file for each (non-TOO) bit in scnd_mask. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` All secondary targets concatenated as one array with columns that correspond to `desitarget.secondary.outdatamodel`. """ # ADM the full directory name for the input data files. fulldir = os.path.join(scxdir, 'indata') # ADM assume we're looping through all of the bits... noms = scnd_mask.names() # ADM ...unless we aren't! if subset: fullfns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(fulldir, '*'))) noms = [os.path.splitext(os.path.split(fn)[-1])[0] for fn in fullfns] scxall = [] # ADM loop through all of the scx bits. for name in noms: # ADM Targets of Opportunity are handled separately. if scnd_mask[name].flavor != 'TOO': log.debug('SCND target: {}'.format(name)) # ADM the full file path without the extension. fn = os.path.join(fulldir, scnd_mask[name].filename) log.debug(' path: {}'.format(fn)) # ADM if the relevant file is a .txt file, read it in. if os.path.exists(fn+'.txt'): try: scxin = np.loadtxt(fn+'.txt', usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=indatamodel.dtype) except (ValueError, IndexError): msg = "First 6 columns don't look like {} in {}.txt".format( indatamodel.dtype, fn) # ADM perhaps people provided .csv files as .txt files. try: scxin = np.loadtxt( fn+'.txt', usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=indatamodel.dtype, delimiter=",") except (ValueError, IndexError): log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM otherwise it's a fits file, read it in. else: scxin ='.fits', columns=indatamodel.dtype.names) # ADM ensure this is a properly constructed numpy array. scxin = np.atleast_1d(scxin) # ADM assert the data model. msg = "Data model mismatch: {} in {}".format(indatamodel.dtype, fn) for col in indatamodel.dtype.names: assert scxin[col].dtype == indatamodel[col].dtype, msg # ADM check RA/Dec are reasonable. outofbounds = ((scxin["RA"] >= 360.) | (scxin["RA"] < 0) | (scxin["DEC"] > 90) | (scxin["DEC"] < -90)) if np.any(outofbounds): msg = "RA/Dec outside of range in {}; RA={}, Dec={}".format( fn, scxin["RA"][outofbounds], scxin["DEC"][outofbounds]) log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM now checks are done, downsample to the required density. log.debug("Read {} targets from {}".format(len(scxin), fn)) ds = scnd_mask[name].downsample if ds < 1: log.debug("Downsampling to first {}% of file".format(100*ds)) scxin = scxin[:int(len(scxin)*ds)] log.debug("Working with {} targets for {}".format(len(scxin), name)) # ADM the default is 2015.5 for the REF_EPOCH. ii = scxin["REF_EPOCH"] == 0 scxin["REF_EPOCH"][ii] = 2015.5 # ADM add the other output columns. dt = outdatamodel.dtype.descr + suppdatamodel.dtype.descr scxout = np.zeros(len(scxin), dtype=dt) for col in indatamodel.dtype.names: scxout[col] = scxin[col] scxout["SCND_TARGET"] = scnd_mask[name] scxout["SCND_TARGET_INIT"] = scnd_mask[name] scxout["SCND_ORDER"] = np.arange(len(scxin)) scxout["PRIORITY_INIT"] = scnd_mask[name].priorities['UNOBS'] scxout["NUMOBS_INIT"] = scnd_mask[name].numobs scxout["TARGETID"] = -1 scxout["OBSCONDITIONS"] = \ obsconditions.mask(scnd_mask[name].obsconditions) scxout["PRIM_MATCH"] = False scxall.append(scxout) return np.concatenate(scxall)
[docs]def add_primary_info(scxtargs, priminfodir): """Add TARGETIDs to secondaries from directory of primary matches. Parameters ---------- scxtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of secondary targets, must contain the columns `SCND_TARGET`, `SCND_ORDER` and `TARGETID`. priminfodir : :class:`list` or `str` Location of the directory that has previously matched primary and secondary targets to recover the unique primary TARGETIDs. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The array of secondary targets, with the `TARGETID` column populated for matches to secondary targets Notes ----- - The input `scxtargs` is modified, so be careful to make a copy if you want that variable to remain unchanged! """"Begin matching primaries in {} to secondaries...t={:.1f}s" .format(priminfodir, time()-start)) # ADM read all of the files from the priminfodir. primfns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(priminfodir, "*fits"))) # ADM if there are no files, there were no primary matches # ADM and we can just return. if len(primfns) == 0: log.warning("No secondary target matches a primary target!!!") return scxtargs"Begin reading files from {}...t={:.1f}s".format( priminfodir, time()-start)) primtargs = [] for primfn in primfns: prim = primtargs.append(prim) primtargs = np.concatenate(primtargs)"Done reading files...t={:.1f}s".format(time()-start)) # ADM make a unique look-up for the target sets. scxbitnum = np.log2(scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"]).astype('int') primbitnum = np.log2(primtargs["SCND_TARGET"]).astype('int') # ADM SCND_ORDER can potentially run into the tens-of-millions, so # ADM we need to use int64 type to get as high as 1000 x SCND_ORDER. scxids = 1000 * scxtargs["SCND_ORDER"].astype('int64') + scxbitnum primids = 1000 * primtargs["SCND_ORDER"].astype('int64') + primbitnum # ADM matches could have occurred ACROSS HEALPixels, producing # ADM duplicated secondary targets with different TARGETIDs... alldups = [] for _, dups in duplicates(primids): # ADM...resolve these on which matched a primary target (rather # ADM than just a source from a sweeps files) and then ALSO on # ADM which has the highest priority. The combination in the code # ADM is, e.g., True/False (meaning 1/0) * PRIORITY_INIT. am = np.argmax(primtargs[dups]["PRIM_MATCH"]*primtargs[dups]["PRIORITY_INIT"]) dups = np.delete(dups, am) alldups.append(dups) # ADM catch cases where there are no duplicates. if len(alldups) != 0: alldups = np.hstack(alldups) primtargs = np.delete(primtargs, alldups) primids = np.delete(primids, alldups)"Remove {} cases where a secondary matched several primaries". format(len(alldups))) # ADM we already know that all primaries match a secondary, so, # ADM for speed, we can reduce to the matching set. sprimids = set(primids) scxii = [scxid in sprimids for scxid in scxids] assert len(sprimids) == len(primids) assert set(scxids[scxii]) == sprimids # ADM sort-to-match sxcid and primid. primii = np.zeros_like(primids) primii[np.argsort(scxids[scxii])] = np.argsort(primids) assert np.all(primids[primii] == scxids[scxii]) # ADM now we have the matches, update the secondary targets # ADM with the information from the primary targets.. for col in ["TARGETID", "PRIM_MATCH", "FLUX_G", "FLUX_R", "FLUX_Z"] + _gaiacols: scxtargs[col][scxii] = primtargs[col][primii] # APC Secondary targets that don't match to a primary target. # APC all still have TARGETID = -1 at this point. They # APC get removed in finalize_secondary()."Done matching primaries in {} to secondaries...t={:.1f}s" .format(priminfodir, time()-start)) return scxtargs
[docs]def match_secondary(primtargs, scxdir, scndout, sep=1., pix=None, nside=None, swfiles=None): """Match secondary targets to primary targets and update bits. Parameters ---------- primtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of primary targets. scndout : :class`~numpy.ndarray` Name of a sub-directory to which to write the information in `desitarget.secondary.outdatamodel` with `TARGETID` and (the highest) `PRIORITY_INIT` updated with matching primary info. scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None` Name of the directory that hosts secondary targets. sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond The separation at which to match in ARCSECONDS. pix : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None` Limit secondary targets to (NESTED) HEALpixels that touch pix at the supplied `nside`, as a speed-up. nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside to be used with `pixlist`. swfiles : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None` A list of files (typically sweep files). If passed and not `None` then once all of the primary TARGETS have been matched and the relevant bit information updated, use these files to find additional sources from which to derive a primary TARGETID. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The array of primary targets, with the `SCND_TARGET` bit populated for matches to secondary targets """ # ADM add a SCND_TARGET column to the primary targets. dt = primtargs.dtype.descr dt.append(('SCND_TARGET', '>i8')) targs = np.zeros(len(primtargs), dtype=dt) for col in primtargs.dtype.names: targs[col] = primtargs[col] # ADM check if this is an SV or main survey file. cols, mx, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True)'running on the {} survey...'.format(surv)) if surv != 'main': scxdir = os.path.join(scxdir, surv) # ADM read in non-OVERRIDE secondary targets. scxtargs = read_files(scxdir, mx[3]) scxtargs = scxtargs[~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"]] # ADM match primary targets to non-OVERRIDE secondary targets. inhp = np.ones(len(scxtargs), dtype="?") # ADM as a speed-up, save memory by limiting the secondary targets # ADM to just HEALPixels that could touch the primary targets. if nside is not None and pix is not None: # ADM remember to grab adjacent pixels in case of edge effects. allpix = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pix) inhp = is_in_hp(scxtargs, nside, allpix) # ADM it's unlikely that the matching separation is comparable # ADM to the HEALPixel resolution, but guard against that anyway. halfpix = np.degrees(hp.max_pixrad(nside))*3600. if sep > halfpix: msg = 'sep ({}") exceeds (half) HEALPixel size ({}")'.format( sep, halfpix) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM warn the user if the secondary and primary samples are "large". big = 1e6 if np.sum(inhp) > big and len(primtargs) > big: log.warning('Large secondary (N={}) and primary (N={}) samples' .format(np.sum(inhp), len(primtargs))) log.warning('The code may run slowly') # ADM for each secondary target, determine if there is a match # ADM with a primary target. Note that sense is important, here # ADM (the primary targets must be passed first).'Matching primary and secondary targets for {} at {}"...t={:.1f}s' .format(scndout, sep, time()-start)) mtargs, mscx = radec_match_to(targs, scxtargs[inhp], sep=sep) # ADM recast the indices to the full set of secondary targets, # ADM instead of just those that were in the relevant HEALPixels. mscx = np.where(inhp)[0][mscx] # ADM loop through the matches and update the SCND_TARGET # ADM column in the primary target list. The np.unique is a # ADM speed-up to assign singular matches first. umtargs, inv, cnt = np.unique(mtargs, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) # ADM number of times each primary target was matched, ordered # ADM the same as mtargs, i.e. n(mtargs) for each entry in mtargs. nmtargs = cnt[inv] # ADM assign anything with nmtargs = 1 directly. singular = nmtargs == 1 targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[singular]] = scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][mscx[singular]] # ADM loop through things with nmtargs > 1 and combine the bits. for i in range(len((mtargs[~singular]))): targs["SCND_TARGET"][mtargs[~singular][i]] |= scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][mscx[~singular][i]] # ADM also assign the SCND_ANY bit to the primary targets. desicols, desimasks, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targs, scnd=True) desi_mask, scnd_mask = desimasks[0], desimasks[3] desi_target, scnd_target = desicols[0], desicols[3] targs[desi_target][umtargs] |= desi_mask.SCND_ANY # ADM rename the SCND_TARGET column, in case this is an SV file. targs = rfn.rename_fields(targs, {'SCND_TARGET': scnd_target}) # APC Secondary target bits only affect PRIORITY, NUMOBS and # APC obsconditions for specific DESI_TARGET bits # APC See # APC Default behaviour is that targets with SCND_ANY bits set will ONLY be # APC have initial state set based on their secondary targetmask parameters IF # APC they have NO primary target bits set (hence == on next line). scnd_update = targs[desi_target] == desi_mask['SCND_ANY']'{} scnd targets will have initial state set as secondary-only' .format(scnd_update.sum())) # APC The exception to the rule above is that a subset of bits flagged with # APC updatemws=True in the targetmask can drive initial state for a subset of # APC primary bits corresponding to MWS targets and standards. We first create # APC a bitmask of those permitted secondary bits. permit_scnd_bits = 0 for name in scnd_mask.names(): if surv == 'main': # updatemws only defined for main survey targetmask. if scnd_mask[name].updatemws: permit_scnd_bits |= scnd_mask[name] else: # Before updatemws was introduced, all scnd bits # were permitted to update MWS targets. permit_scnd_bits |= scnd_mask[name] # APC Now we flag any target combining the permitted secondary bits # APC and the restricted set of primary bits. permit_scnd = (targs[scnd_target] & permit_scnd_bits) != 0 # APC Allow changes to primaries to be driven by the status of # APC their matched secondary bits if the DESI_TARGET bitmask has any # APC of the following bits set, but not any other bits. update_from_scnd_bits = ( desi_mask['SCND_ANY'] | desi_mask['MWS_ANY'] | desi_mask['STD_BRIGHT'] | desi_mask['STD_FAINT'] | desi_mask['STD_WD']) permit_scnd &= ((targs[desi_target] & ~update_from_scnd_bits) == 0)'{} scnd targets set initial priority, numobs, obscon of matched MWS primaries'.format( (permit_scnd & ~scnd_update).sum())) # APC Updateable targets are either pure secondary or explicitly permitted. scnd_update |= permit_scnd'{} scnd targets to be updated in total'.format(scnd_update.sum())) if np.any(scnd_update): # APC Primary and secondary obsconditions are or'd scnd_obscon = set_obsconditions(targs[scnd_update], scnd=True) targs['OBSCONDITIONS'][scnd_update] &= scnd_obscon # APC bit of a hack here # APC Check for _BRIGHT, _DARK split in column names darkbright = 'NUMOBS_INIT_DARK' in targs.dtype.names if darkbright: ender, obscon = ["_DARK", "_BRIGHT"], ["DARK|GRAY", "BRIGHT"] else: ender, obscon = [""], ["DARK|GRAY|BRIGHT|BACKUP|TWILIGHT12|TWILIGHT18"] # APC secondaries can increase priority and numobs for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon): pc, nc = "PRIORITY_INIT"+edr, "NUMOBS_INIT"+edr scnd_priority, scnd_numobs = initial_priority_numobs( targs[scnd_update], obscon=oc, scnd=True) targs[nc][scnd_update] = np.maximum( targs[nc][scnd_update], scnd_numobs) targs[pc][scnd_update] = np.maximum( targs[pc][scnd_update], scnd_priority) # ADM update the secondary targets with the primary information. scxtargs["TARGETID"][mscx] = targs["TARGETID"][mtargs] # ADM the maximum priority will be used to break ties in the # ADM unlikely event that a secondary matches two primaries. hipri = np.maximum(targs["PRIORITY_INIT_DARK"], targs["PRIORITY_INIT_BRIGHT"]) scxtargs["PRIORITY_INIT"][mscx] = hipri[mtargs] # ADM record that we have a match to a primary. scxtargs["PRIM_MATCH"][mscx] = True # ADM now we're done matching the primary and secondary targets, also # ADM match the secondary targets to sweep files, if passed, to find # ADM TARGETIDs. notid = scxtargs["TARGETID"] == -1 if swfiles is not None and np.sum(notid) > 0:'Reading input sweep files...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-start)) # ADM first read in all of the sweeps files. swobjs = [] for ifil, swfile in enumerate(swfiles): swobj = swfile, columns=["RELEASE", "BRICKID", "OBJID", "RA", "DEC", "FLUX_G", "FLUX_R", "FLUX_Z"] + _gaiacols) # ADM limit to just sources in the healpix of interest. # ADM remembering to grab adjacent pixels for edge effects. inhp = np.ones(len(swobj), dtype="?") if nside is not None and pix is not None: inhp = is_in_hp(swobj, nside, allpix) swobjs.append(swobj[inhp])"Read {} sources from {}/{} sweep files...t={:.1f}s".format( np.sum(inhp), ifil+1, len(swfiles), time()-start)) swobjs = np.concatenate(swobjs) # ADM resolve so there are no duplicates across the N/S boundary. swobjs = resolve(swobjs)"Total sources read: {}".format(len(swobjs))) # ADM continue if there are sources in the pixels of interest. if len(swobjs) > 0: # ADM limit to just secondaries in the healpix of interest. inhp = np.ones(len(scxtargs), dtype="?") if nside is not None and pix is not None: inhp = is_in_hp(scxtargs, nside, pix) # ADM now perform the match.'Matching secondary targets to sweep files...t={:.1f}s' .format(time()-start)) mswobjs, mscx = radec_match_to(swobjs, scxtargs[inhp & notid], sep=sep) # ADM recast the indices to the full set of secondaries, # ADM instead of just those that were in the relevant pixels. mscx = np.where(inhp & notid)[0][mscx]'Found {} additional matches...t={:.1f}s'.format( len(mscx), time()-start)) if len(mscx) > 0: # ADM construct the targetid from the sweeps information. targetid = encode_targetid(objid=swobjs['OBJID'], brickid=swobjs['BRICKID'], release=swobjs['RELEASE']) # ADM and add the targetid to the secondary targets. scxtargs["TARGETID"][mscx] = targetid[mswobjs] # ADM _gaiacols is a global at the top of the module. for col in ["FLUX_G", "FLUX_R", "FLUX_Z"] + _gaiacols: scxtargs[col][mscx] = swobjs[col][mswobjs] # ADM write the secondary targets that have updated TARGETIDs. ii = scxtargs["TARGETID"] != -1 nmatches = np.sum(ii)'Writing {} secondary target matches to {}...t={:.1f}s' .format(nmatches, scndout, time()-start)) if nmatches > 0: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() hdr["SURVEY"] = surv fitsio.write(scndout, scxtargs[ii], extname='SCND_TARG', header=hdr, clobber=True)'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-start)) return targs
[docs]def finalize_secondary(scxtargs, scnd_mask, survey='main', sep=1., darkbright=False): """Assign secondary targets a realistic TARGETID, finalize columns. Parameters ---------- scxtargs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of secondary targets, must contain the columns `RA`, `DEC` and `TARGETID`. `TARGETID` should be -1 for objects that lack a `TARGETID`. scnd_mask : :class:`desiutil.bitmask.BitMask` A mask corresponding to a set of secondary targets, e.g, could be ``from desitarget.targetmask import scnd_mask`` for the main survey mask. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" string indicating whether we are working in the context of the Main Survey (`main`) or SV (e.g. `sv1`, `sv2` etc.). Used to set the `RELEASE` number in the `TARGETID` (see Notes). sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond The separation at which to match secondary targets to themselves in ARCSECONDS. darkbright : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If sent, then split `NUMOBS_INIT` and `PRIORITY_INIT` into `NUMOBS_INIT_DARK`, `NUMOBS_INIT_BRIGHT`, `PRIORITY_INIT_DARK` and `PRIORITY_INIT_BRIGHT` and calculate values appropriate to "BRIGHT" and "DARK|GRAY" observing conditions. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The array of secondary targets, with the `TARGETID` bit updated to be unique and reasonable and the `SCND_TARGET` column renamed based on the flavor of `scnd_mask`. Notes ----- - Secondaries without `OVERRIDE` are also matched to themselves Such matches are given the same `TARGETID` (that of the primary if they match a primary) and the bitwise or of `SCND_TARGET` and `OBSCONDITIONS` bits across matches. The highest `PRIORITY_INIT` is retained, and others are set to -1. Only secondaries with priorities that are not -1 are written to the main file. If multiple matching secondary targets have the same (highest) priority, the first one encountered retains its `PRIORITY_INIT` - The secondary `TARGETID` is designed to be reproducible. It combines `BRICKID` based on location, `OBJID` based on the order of the targets in the secondary file (`SCND_ORDER`) and `RELEASE` from the secondary bit number (`SCND_TARGET`) and the input `survey`. `RELEASE` is set to ((X-1)*100)+np.log2(scnd_bit) with X from the `survey` string survey=svX and scnd_bit from `SCND_TARGET`. For the main survey (survey="main") X-1 is 5. For a second iteration of the main survey (survey="main2") X-1=6. - The input `scxtargs` is modified, so be careful to make a copy if you want that variable to remain unchanged! """ # ADM assign new TARGETIDs to targets without a primary match. nomatch = scxtargs["TARGETID"] == -1 # ADM get the BRICKIDs for each source. brxid = bricks.brickid(scxtargs["RA"], scxtargs["DEC"]) # ADM ensure unique secondary bits for different iterations of SV # ADM and the Main Survey. if survey[:4] == "main": if survey == 'main': Xm1 = 5 else: # ADM the just extracts the numbers in the string. Xm1 = int('\d+', survey).group())+4 if Xm1 >= 10: msg = "Only coded for up to 'main5', not {}!!!".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) elif survey[0:2] == 'sv': # ADM the just extracts the numbers in the string. Xm1 = int('\d+', survey).group())-1 # ADM we've allowed a max of up to sv5 (!). Fail if surpassed. if Xm1 >= 5: msg = "Only coded for up to 'sv5', not {}!!!".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = "allowed surveys: 'mainX', 'svX', not {}!!!".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM the RELEASE for each source is the `SCND_TARGET` bit NUMBER. release = (Xm1*100)+np.log2(scxtargs["SCND_TARGET_INIT"]).astype('int') # ADM build the OBJIDs based on the values of SCND_ORDER. t0 = time()"Begin assigning OBJIDs to bricks...") # ADM So as not to overwhelm the bit-limits for OBJID # ADM rank by SCND_ORDER for each brick and bit combination. # ADM First, create a unique ID based on brxid and release. scnd_order = scxtargs["SCND_ORDER"] sorter = (1000*brxid) + release # ADM sort the unique IDs and split based on where they change. argsort = np.argsort(sorter) w = np.where(np.diff(sorter[argsort]))[0] soperbrxbit = np.split(scnd_order[argsort], w+1) # ADM loop through each (brxid, release) and sort on scnd_order. # ADM double argsort returns the ascending ranked order of the entry # ADM (whereas a single argsort returns the indexes for ordering). sortperbrxbit = [np.argsort(np.argsort(so)) for so in soperbrxbit] # ADM finally unroll the (brxid, release) combinations... sortedobjid = np.array(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(sortperbrxbit))) # ADM ...and reorder based on the initial argsort. objid = np.zeros_like(sortedobjid)-1 objid[argsort] = sortedobjid"Assigned OBJIDs to bricks in {:.1f}s".format(time()-t0)) # ADM check that the objid array was entirely populated. assert np.all(objid != -1) # ADM assemble the TARGETID, SCND objects. targetid = encode_targetid(objid=objid, brickid=brxid, release=release) # ADM a check that the generated TARGETIDs are unique. if len(set(targetid)) != len(targetid): msg = "duplicate TARGETIDs generated for secondary targets!!!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM assign the unique TARGETIDs to the secondary objects. scxtargs["TARGETID"][nomatch] = targetid[nomatch] log.debug("Assigned {} targetids to unmatched secondaries".format( len(targetid[nomatch]))) # ADM match secondaries to themselves, to ensure duplicates # ADM share a TARGETID. Don't match special (OVERRIDE) targets # ADM or sources that have already been matched to a primary. w = np.where(~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"] & nomatch)[0] if len(w) > 0:"Matching {} secondary targets to themselves...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(scxtargs), time()-t0)) # ADM use astropy for the matching. At NERSC, astropy matches # ADM ~20M objects to themselves in about 10 minutes. import astropy.units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord c = SkyCoord(scxtargs["RA"][w]*u.deg, scxtargs["DEC"][w]*u.deg) m1, m2, _, _ = c.search_around_sky(c, sep*u.arcsec)"Done with matching...t={:.1f}s".format(time()-t0)) # ADM restrict only to unique matches (and exclude self-matches). uniq = m1 > m2 m1, m2 = m1[uniq], m2[uniq] # ADM set same TARGETID for any matches. m2 must come first, here. scxtargs["TARGETID"][w[m2]] = scxtargs["TARGETID"][w[m1]] # ADM Ensure secondary targets with matching TARGETIDs have all the # ADM relevant SCND_TARGET bits set. By definition, targets with # ADM OVERRIDE set never have matching TARGETIDs. wnoov = np.where(~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"])[0] if len(wnoov) > 0: for _, inds in duplicates(scxtargs["TARGETID"][wnoov]): scnd_targ = 0 for ind in inds: scnd_targ |= scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][wnoov[ind]] scxtargs["SCND_TARGET"][wnoov[inds]] = scnd_targ"Done checking SCND_TARGET...t={:.1f}s".format(time()-t0)) # ADM change the data model depending on whether the mask # ADM is an SVX (X = 1, 2, etc.) mask or not. Nothing will # ADM change if the mask has no preamble. prepend = scnd_mask._name[:-9].upper() scxtargs = rfn.rename_fields( scxtargs, {'SCND_TARGET': prepend+'SCND_TARGET'} ) # APC same thing for DESI_TARGET scxtargs = rfn.rename_fields( scxtargs, {'DESI_TARGET': prepend+'DESI_TARGET'} ) # APC Remove duplicate targetids from secondary-only targets alldups = [] for _, dups in duplicates(scxtargs['TARGETID']): # Retain the duplicate with highest priority, breaking ties # on lowest index in list of duplicates dups = np.delete(dups, np.argmax(scxtargs['PRIORITY_INIT'][dups])) alldups.append(dups) # ADM guard against the case that there are no duplicates. if len(alldups) == 0: alldups = [alldups] alldups = np.hstack(alldups) log.debug("Flagging {} duplicate secondary targetids with PRIORITY_INIT=-1". format(len(alldups))) # ADM and remove the INIT fields in prep for a dark/bright split. scxtargs = rfn.drop_fields(scxtargs, ["PRIORITY_INIT", "NUMOBS_INIT"]) # ADM set initial priorities, numobs and obsconditions for both # ADM BRIGHT and DARK|GRAY conditions, if requested. nscx = len(scxtargs) nodata = np.zeros(nscx, dtype='int')-1 if darkbright: ender, obscon = ["_DARK", "_BRIGHT"], ["DARK|GRAY", "BRIGHT"] else: ender, obscon = [""], ["DARK|GRAY|BRIGHT|BACKUP|TWILIGHT12|TWILIGHT18"] cols, vals, forms = [], [], [] for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon): cols += ["{}_INIT{}".format(pn, edr) for pn in ["PRIORITY", "NUMOBS"]] vals += [nodata, nodata] forms += ['>i8', '>i8'] # ADM write the output array. newdt = [dt for dt in zip(cols, forms)] done = np.array(np.zeros(nscx), dtype=scxtargs.dtype.descr+newdt) for col in scxtargs.dtype.names: done[col] = scxtargs[col] for col, val in zip(cols, vals): done[col] = val # ADM add the actual PRIORITY/NUMOBS values. for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon): pc, nc = "PRIORITY_INIT"+edr, "NUMOBS_INIT"+edr done[pc], done[nc] = initial_priority_numobs(done, obscon=oc, scnd=True) # APC Flagged duplicates are removed in io.write_secondary if len(alldups) > 0: done[pc][alldups] = -1 # APC add secondary flag in DESI_TARGET cols, mx, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(done, scnd=True) done[cols[0]] = mx[0]['SCND_ANY'] # ADM set the OBSCONDITIONS. done["OBSCONDITIONS"] = set_obsconditions(done, scnd=True) return done
[docs]def select_secondary(priminfodir, sep=1., scxdir=None, darkbright=False, nomerge=False): """Process secondary targets and update relevant bits. Parameters ---------- priminfodir : :class:`list` or `str` Location of the directory that has previously matched primary and secondary targets to recover the unique primary TARGETIDs. The first file in this directory should have a header keyword SURVEY indicating whether we are working in the context of the Main Survey (`main`) or SV (e.g. `sv1`, `sv2` etc.). sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond The separation at which to match in ARCSECONDS. scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to :envvar:`SCND_DIR` The name of the directory that hosts secondary targets. darkbright : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If sent, then split `NUMOBS_INIT` and `PRIORITY_INIT` into `NUMOBS_INIT_DARK`, `NUMOBS_INIT_BRIGHT`, `PRIORITY_INIT_DARK` and `PRIORITY_INIT_BRIGHT` and calculate values appropriate to "BRIGHT" and "DARK|GRAY" observing conditions. nomerge : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Pass this to NEVER merge primaries and secondaries. All of the secondaries will be updated to have OVERRIDE=True. In this mode, scxdir is ASSUMED to terminate in a directory /mainX, where X is the iteration of secondary-target-updates after going on-sky with the main survey (e.g. /main2 for the first update of secondary targets). In this mode, all of the files in (e.g.) /main2 must have a corresponding bit in the main scnd_mask, but not all bits need to have a corresponding file. In this mode, `priminfodir` is ignored, so could be passed as anything (e.g. as ``None``). Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` All secondary targets from `scxdir` with columns from `outdatamodel` at the top of this module added. All of these columns are populated, except ``SUBPRIORITY``. """ if not nomerge: # ADM Sanity check that priminfodir exists. if not os.path.exists(priminfodir): msg = "{} doesn't exist".format(priminfodir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM read in the SURVEY from the first file in priminfodir. fns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(priminfodir, "*fits"))) hdr = fitsio.read_header(fns[0], 'SCND_TARG') survey = hdr["SURVEY"].rstrip() else: # ADM rstrip in case the formal directory with "/" was passed. survey = os.path.split(scxdir.rstrip("/"))[-1] # ADM load the correct mask. from desitarget.targetmask import scnd_mask if survey[:2] == 'sv': try: targmask = import_module("desitarget.{}.{}_targetmask".format( survey, survey)) except ModuleNotFoundError: msg = 'Bitmask yaml does not exist for survey type {}'.format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg) scnd_mask = targmask.scnd_mask elif survey[:4] != 'main': msg = "allowed surveys: 'mainX', 'svX', not {}!!!".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)"Reading secondary files...t={:.1f}m".format((time()-start)/60.)) # ADM retrieve the scxdir, check it's structure and fidelity... scxdir = _get_scxdir(scxdir) _check_files(scxdir, scnd_mask, bits2files=not(nomerge)) # ADM ...and read in all of the secondary targets. scxtargs = read_files(scxdir, scnd_mask, subset=nomerge) # ADM if nomerge is set, make everything OVERRIDE=True, just to # ADM reflect the actual behavior of how the targets are merged... if nomerge: scxtargs["OVERRIDE"] = True scxout = scxtargs # ADM ...otherwise, engage in the regular merging-with-primaries. else: # ADM only non-override targets could match a primary. scxover = scxtargs[scxtargs["OVERRIDE"]] scxtargs = scxtargs[~scxtargs["OVERRIDE"]]"Adding primary info...t={:.1f}m".format((time()-start)/60.)) # ADM add in the primary TARGETIDs and information. scxtargs = add_primary_info(scxtargs, priminfodir) # ADM now we're done matching, bring the override targets back... scxout = np.concatenate([scxtargs, scxover])"Finalizing secondaries...t={:.1f}m".format((time()-start)/60.)) # ADM assign TARGETIDs to secondaries that did not match a primary. scxout = finalize_secondary(scxout, scnd_mask, survey=survey, sep=sep, darkbright=darkbright) return scxout